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Thursday, May 03, 2007


quite a sucky day at school for me today..had physics lecture test and a gp compre assignment done back to back. almost died during the compre test cuz my brain was becoming a little fuzzy..

then had to do make up prac on my own during break cuz i missed last tue's lesson. abit weird doing it on my own lar but the teacher there was quite nice..cuz i kinda forgot what i had to write in my report and he kindly explained everything to me without getting irritated. am so glad its over..it was loads better than i thought. dunno why i am stressed over this thing lar. i get stressed at the weirdest things =\ i dunno why i feel so irritated with myself today..for no reason at all.

anw my mom's friend got me new cds from shanghai..haha they're loads cheaper over there. listening to wang lee hom's cd now and i think he sounds really great and is very talented in alot of things. always liked listening to his songs..just tt this is his first cd tt i actually bought :) listening to his songs cheer me up.

dont feel like doing work today..heh no work due tml anw. shall go off to play the sims now. started playing it recently again now. but mine is the pokk first version..shall buy sims 3 if it ever comes out. lol. arranging furniture around the house helps to remove the angst in me :)

~{7:15 PM}

Friday, April 27, 2007

unlucky day

been quite a long week..didnt really have the time to update. nothing noteworthy this week though..

missed tues of sch cuz i was kinda sick..and now i have to make up prac aft sch soon. sheesh..was almost made to do it today but had to collect my passport so couldnt stay back for it. felt so malu-ed in front of the whole class because of this. shall not elaborate on it here. anyway went for lunch with classmates aft sch today at j8. had fun jacking junxin and her other half :P lol every action and word they said was simply used against them. even mo's mom who joined us aftwards didnt spare them either..teehee

headed to lavender to collect my passport aft tt and aft taking the queue number i realized there were like 250 plus people in front of me *faints* didnt know it will be that crowded..so i began my long and arduous wait for my passport collection. gosh was bored to death lar..and i was feeling kinda sleepy but couldnt sleep in the chair cuz its kind of awkward with everyone squashed around you. finally got my passport two hours plus later -.- dragged myself home only to be caught in the rain. and it wasnt just an ordinary drizzle..it was a huge downpour. was trying to dash across the roads to the shelter at first but aft a while i gave up and started walking instead cuz i was alr drenched anw. this has to be my most unlucky day in weeks :\

okay realized this entry is rather dry..filled with my ordinary day log. shall go off for dinner now..update again soon

~{7:13 PM}

Friday, April 20, 2007


it's friday again. one week flew past. and guitar syf was over in a blink of an eye.

we got a gold. don't know whether i should feel happy about it or not :\ was expecting us to get a gold before we went on stage..actually i was quite worried about whether we will get a silver if we screw our songs up. but our performance went quite well..it was one of our better performances yet. and aft we were finished..people started thinking tt we would actually get a shot at gold with honours. i think that deep down inside everyone's heart we were secretly hoping we could get it. tt's why when the results were announced..most of us got pretty disappointed. oh well. but i am glad tt we actually put up a good performance..tt's a small consolation for us i guess.

anyway..we sat in to listen to the other schools aft we finished playing. and all of us thought tt hcjc and vjc played very well..but they only managed to get a gold too. felt quite surprised at the results cuz i was so sure that hc would get a gwh. ahhh but i am not an expert at this so maybe the judges had a different opinion frm us.

although syf didnt go as well as expected but we still have the concert to look forward to. hope tt we can work towards putting up a great show for everyone else to see what rjge is about :)

~{9:02 PM}

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


syf is tml! just finished packing all my guitar stuff into my bag and writing notes for everyone. did some last min practicing too. somehow it just doesnt feel like its THE syf performance tml..think i will only start freaking out moments before we actually go on stage. that's what will usually happen to me. i never quite overcame my stage fright even though i went through so many outdoor performances before in band :\

am still quite worried for spain but ahh just hope we will put up our best performance tml! wish me good luck :) shall end off with a nice quote..

~when words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Anderson~

~{10:04 PM}

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


feel so tired today even though its not really a long day at school..been feeling this way for the past week or so. hate this feeling of being so groggy all the time. shall go sleep early tonight. even though its barely past nine now :\ need my seven hrs of sleep in order to survive tml. last guitar prac before the syf..hope we can really brush up on our playing and perform well on tt day itself :)

anw still feel quite sad tt i missed ben & jerry's cones day :( although i remembered tt it was today but i was too lazy to head down to one of the outlets to get my free ice cream aft h3 math. blah. i was actually looking forward to it.

this aside..my mom just told me ytd tt my grandma may need to be hospitalized if she doesnt get better. she is just down with the flu but it has been a while and she doesnt seem to get better. so if this doesnt improve they will have to send her to the hospital to check her up. just hope she will get well soon..

okay shall head off to bed right now. heh although there is loads of stuff for me to do but i am hecking it for tonight :)

~{8:48 PM}

Sunday, April 15, 2007


did almost nothing the whole weekend..not much hw due next week and i didnt feel like doing any other work either :P

anw had guitar full dress rehearsal ytd. still think that we arent really prepared for syf yet..spain is still rather messy. mr gasper made us switch off the lt lights and play in the dark so tt we can focus more on hearing each other out. i failed terribly though cuz i couldnt even see where my fingering was :\ had an exchange with ri and chung cheng high aft tt. took turns to play our syf songs..and i seriously think tt ri played the best ytd. their whole ensemble sounded good together and their songs were rather nice to listen to as well.

headed to raffles city to do some shopping aft tt. went to buy my black pants for syf..and ended up getting a new belt and shirt for myself :) haha some retail therapy at work here. wanted to try the donuts at the donut factory but the queue was horribly long. there were at least twenty people in the queue i think..and it wasnt really moving at all so i just gave up and went to buy something else instead.

spent the whole sunday today sleeping and lazing around the hse. have no idea why i was so tired either. just hope for syf and everything to be over soon so tt i can return to my not-so-hectic lifestyle. four more days to the end of syf! :) shall go off to practice a little on my guitar now..

~{5:36 PM}

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


this week have been really hectic..these three days just passed by in a blink. been busy with guitar pracs and the sch work tt is piling up. trying hard to catch up with lectures nowadays. guitar syf is next week and i still cant really get the rhythmn right for one of our syf songs spain. lol its like sometimes i actually play it right but sometimes i dont. ahh so frustrating. think the whole song is really quite nice..with a jazzy feel to it :)

anyway i think spain sounds cooler on the sax. go watch this recording of spain! --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huIcAdTbMbM watching the video makes me want to go back to playing the saxophone again..kinda miss playing it now :\ have to quickly find my syf outfit tml. full dress rehearsal is on sat but i havent got anything ready yet. argh. feel so stressed abt the whole thing. just hope tt all our efforts pay off on that day.

dont feel like touching any of my work tonight..shall go trawl youtube for more nice videos :)

~{8:18 PM}